
Documentation of database, data, surveys and analysis at Marburg Open Forest


All custom made triggers in the MOFgeoDB

Literature, Manuals and other Sources

Just all our sources: 1. Simple Features for R. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2021, from Dobrovolný, L., & Tesař, V. (2010). Growth and characteristics of old beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Trees individually dispersed in spruce monocultures–. Journal of Forest Science, 56(No. 9), 406–416. Dorji, Y., Annighöfer, P., Ammer, C., & Seidel, D. (2019). Response of Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Trees to Competition—New Insights from Using Fractal Analysis.


Analysis approaches with data of the MOF

Data Collecting

General Situation Collecting data happens in various ways: systematic in context of research more or less chaotic in the context of teaching private to fill the gaps of 2. or any other reason automatic in a fixed time interval individual once in a lifetime or in a fixed interval The second pretends not collecting faulty data but during courses often time is limited to collect everything is needed or the intention of the course is just focused on a special question or learning the actual method.


Experimentierplot Plot in Abt. Karte Foto Increasing Deadwood Zwei Buchen wurden xxxx gefällt und liegen gelassen. Zwei Buchen wurden xxxx geringelt, um stehendes Totholz zu erzeugen. Der Austrieb hat aber 2021 noch stattgefunden. Untersuchungen der Jahrringe (Neuwirth mit Kurs 2021) zeigen aber, das kein Zuwachs mehr stattfindet. Full inventory of trees Im gesamten Plot wurden im Rahmen von unterschiedlichen Kursen alle Bäume eingemssen und kartiert. UAV-Plot Full inventory of trees Natural young growth Karte