# load plots
<- st_read("https://github.com/MarburgOpenForest/MOFGeoDB/blob/master/MOFgeoDB.sqlite?raw=true", quiet = T, layer = "vw_plot_fs")
plots # alternatively from the PUM GitLab repo
#plots <- st_read("https://gitlab.uni-marburg.de/reudenba/MOFgeoDB/-/raw/master/MOFgeoDB.sqlite?raw=true", quiet = T, layer = "vw_plot_fs")
plots mapview(
map.types = "OpenStreetMap",
color = "grey20",
lwd = 1,
label = plots$plot_id,
layer.name = "fs-plots")
Survey Plots
Forest Structure – fs
Plots for surveying forest structure are setup by various student groups since 2017. The decision where to set up a plot follows no random or systematic scheme (what a pitty!) but is somehow accidental.
General characteristics are: * circular 10m radius in horizontal plane * slope * aspect * remarks on special items
All plots are marked with a central point (stored in topopoint
, see figure @ref(fig:benchmark-fig)).
On the plot following items are surveyed depending on time: * coordinates of all trees from 7 cm dbh * species * dbh * optional * height * micro habitats * vitality * social position
A plot from data out of MOFgeoDB is shown in figure @ref(fig:fs-plot-fig).
In real the plot looks something like this:
You can easily use R for retrievieng and visualising all plots from the github repository.
This will generate the below map.